Enjoy the recordings from Annual Conference 2022! There are two categories:
- Hymns which are public domain and shareable.
- Worship music that requires displaying your CCLI license/streaming number and reporting your use of the music as you would other music that is copyright protected.
Annual Conference Music '22

10,000 Reasons

All Glory Be to Christ

Blessed Assurance

Called Me Higher

Come As You Are

Come Thou Fount

Cornerstone / How Great Thou Art

Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble


For All the Saints

Friend of God

God So Loved

I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

Jesus Paid It All


Life is Beautiful

Lay Me Down

Make Us One

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

The Prayer

Take My Life and Let It Be (Here I Am)

Used to This

Victory in Jesus